<txp:hide /> container tag, 0 attributes


The hide tag is a container tag which is used to suppress the interpretation of all enclosed contents. Use it for comments, temporary concealment of article text parts or non-destructive form changes.

<txp:hide /> 2 examples

Insert a useful note in a template

<txp:hide>This is essential as a work-around for the Peekaboo
  bug in Internet Explorer 6</txp:hide>

Comment out part of a form for testing

If you want to try something out to see how it affects the layout without actually deleting the content, wrap it in hide tags:

<div class="entry-content">
 <txp:body />
<address class="vcard author">
  — <span class="fn"><txp:author /></span>
<txp:comments_invite wraptag="p" />

What this does…
Renders the body text inside the entry-content div but skips the address and comments_invite tags.

Other tags used: body, author, comments_invite