<txp:if_first_category /> container tag, 0 attributes


The if_first_category tag is a conditional tag and always used as an opening and closing pair, like this…

...conditional statements...

The tag will execute the contained statements if the current category (usually one inside the container or form of a category_list) is the first in the currently displayed list.


Version 4.0.7

  • Added as a new tag.
<txp:if_first_category /> 1 examples

Identify 1st cat in category_list

<txp:category_list parent="group-1" children="0">
    <h3><txp:category /></h3>
  <txp:else />
    <txp:category link="1" />

What this does…
Prevents the first category in the list from being hyperlinked to a category page

Why you might do it…
If you nest categories under a ‘header’ category you might want to show the header of the group but not allow people to link to its category page

Other tags used: category_list, category, else