The file_download_link tag is both a single tag and a container tag.
Thus it may be used as an opening and closing pair:
...containing statements...
When used as a single tag, Textpattern will replace the tag with a download link to the file being downloaded. As a container, it will assign the link to the given text or tag, while the single tag outputs the file’s plain URL.
id="unset" (integer)
“id” takes precedence over “filename”. If neither is defined and the tag is not used within the context of a file, nothing is returned.
Provide a link to download file #4
<txp:file_download_link id="4">
<txp:file_download_name /> [<txp:file_download_size format="mb" decimals="2" />]
What this does…
Makes a link to the given file (#4) comprising its file name and size
Other tags used: file_download_name, file_download_size