<txp:author_email />
Returns the email address of the author of the currently displayed article.
<txp:author />
Returns the name of the author of the currently displayed article.
<txp:article />
Outputs one or more articles depending on the attributes used.
<txp:article_custom />
Provides a variety of custom options for sorting, selecting and displaying articles.
<txp:article_id />
Returns the numeric ID of the article being displayed.
<txp:article_image />
Returns an <img src="..." /> HTML tag using the Article image field when the article was posted.
Returns the dumbed-down "URL title" of the article being displayed.
<txp:body />
Returns the text, or content, of the article being displayed (the article itself).
<txp:custom_field />
Used to display the contents of a custom field.
<txp:category1 />
Displays information of the category as defined by Cat1 of the article being displayed.
<txp:category2 />
Displays information of the category as defined by Cat2 of the article being displayed.
<txp:excerpt />
Used to return the excerpt text.