<txp:else />
Used within a conditional tag to provide the means to assign default, or alternative behavior.
Will execute the contained statement if the author name associated with a particular article matches.
Will execute the contained statement if the category associated with a particular article matches.
<txp:if_article_id />
Will execute the contained statement if the article id associated with a particular article matches.
Will execute the contained statements if an image is associated with the article being displayed.
<txp:if_article_list />
Will execute the contained statement if an article list is being displayed.
Will execute the contained statements if the section associated with a particular article matches.
<txp:if_author />
Will execute the contained statements if the called page is the result of an article search by author.
<txp:if_category />
Will execute the contained statements if the name attribute matches a category search value.
<txp:if_comments />
Will execute the contained statements if there are comments associated with an article.
Will execute the contained statements if comments are allowed for a given article.
Will execute the contained statements if comments are disallowed for a given article.