<txp:breadcrumb />
Used to create breadcrumb navigation.
<txp:category />
Displays category information as defined by the name attribute, or the one currently being viewed.
<txp:category_list />
Used to produce a list of linked categories.
<txp:category1 />
Displays information of the category as defined by Cat1 of the article being displayed.
<txp:category2 />
Displays information of the category as defined by Cat2 of the article being displayed.
<txp:email />
Returns a mailto: email link, according to the attributes set.
<txp:link_to_home />
Returns a link to the site's home page.
<txp:link_to_next />
Returns the permanent URL of the next article by posting date.
<txp:link_to_prev />
Returns the permanent URL of the previous article by posting date.
<txp:link />
Returns an (X)HTML hyperlink defined under the Links tab.
<txp:linklist />
Produces a list of links from the predefined list created on the Links tab.
<txp:newer />
Returns an XHTML link to the next list of articles in the sort order.